The Health Benefits of Drinking Organic Tea

The Health Benefits of Drinking Organic Tea

Why drinking Organic Herbal Tea is an Important part of any Healthy Lifestyle

Good health thrives in nature. It’s that simple. Surrounded by nature we feel better and healthier. Incorporating organic herbal teas into our daily life is a fantastic way to enjoy the therapeutic and medicinal benefits that nature has to offer.  Introducing plant medicine gently into our lives through organic herbal teas allows us to rehydrate and reconnect with nature bringing joy as we connect with the plant world and our own bodies. 

Everything we eat or drink influences our body and adequate water intake is essential. We should be aiming for about half our body weight in ounces daily and a great way to enjoy drinking enough is through enjoying a combination of water, tea, organic herbal tea, soup, broth and unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices.


Health benefits of organic tea

We were delighted when Moos Broos a small independent UK based company from Kent approached about their premium quality and organic loose-leaf herbal teas. The teas themselves are 100% organic, ethical and contain no nasty bee-killing pesticides or carcinogenic fertilisers. It is with much admiration for their team that we are introducing some of the medicinal and health benefits of their therapeutic organic herbal teas as it is clear to us this company are passionate about nature. Moos Broos are transparent about the ingredients they use and are going even further to support the environment.  They even bless their teas, infusing them with loving intentions and you can read more about the Founders here 

Our favourite Organic Herbal Teas by Moo’s Broos:

Organic Chamomile tea


Moo’s Broos Organic Chamomile Tea – Revered by the Ancient Egyptians as a “cure all”, chamomile is often underrated, but it is a remarkable herb for any stress related symptom. It soothes nerves and eases anxiety, ideal for stress, insomnia irritability and tension. Great for children you could also use a couple of heaped spoonful’s in the bath (just put the ingredients in a sock first so the flowers don’t go down the plughole). 

Chamomile herbal tea drunk two times a day will help with stress related digestive problems and it is great for nausea, travel sickness and safe in pregnancy. It is actually a cooling herb so will soothe an inflamed bladder and cystitis, help reduce fever for coughs and colds and calms tension and irritability in PMT.

Jasmine Tea

Moo’s Broos Organic Peppermint TeaPeppermint is commonly referred to as the ‘herb of hospitality’, in olden times it was rubbed over the table before guests came to eat; the powerful volatile oils would have eliminated microbes while the smell stimulated appetite! This organic herbal tea is ideal for digestive issues being both aromatic and bitter stimulating bile production and helping to digest fats. Peppermint generally supports liver health and the cooling menthol will also help thin mucus and clear congestion during cough and cold season.

If you like the sound of Chamomile and Pepermint tea you can try the combination tea to receive the benefits of both teas in one go.

Organic loose leaf rose tea

Moo’s Broos Organic Rose Leaf TeaRose tea contains high amounts of Vitamin C, an antioxidant vital to our body's healing process and its ability to fight off infection. One study found that rose tea may also ease flu-like symptoms like coughing and congestion.

There are many other beautiful organic herbal teas in Moos Broos range that we stock including the Organic Jasmine Green Tea  and Organic Masala Chai Tea (l and you can enjoy their full range here.

How to prepare Organic Loose Leaf Herbal Teas:

Herbal doses for Standard and Super Infused Tea Drinking:

Stainless steel tea infuser with spoon

To help with dosage and steeping we recommend the stainless steel tea strainer and spoon set. A standard herbal dose for tea is 1 teaspoon – 1 tablespoon of dried herb per 8 ounces of water 1 -3 times per day. For a fresh herb we would recommend 1 large handful of said herb per 8 ounces of water and for a medicinal / super infusion we would advise 1-ounce dried herb per 32 ounces of water sipped throughout the day for at least 2 days.

Why hydrate with Organic Herbal Teas?

We know we should drink plenty of water, yet three quarters of the global population are chronically dehydrated. Water mixed with sodium, electrolytes and compounds constitutes 60% of the body, including 75% of our muscles and 85% of the brain so you need to replenish the body with plenty of clean water for optimum health and organ function.

What colour should your urine be?

The colour and scent of your urine will give you a hint to the level of dehydration. It should be light and straw coloured throughout the day. Don’t worry too much if your first pee of the day is darker as this is normal. Also don’t be alarmed if your urine is bright yellow if you are taking a multi-vitamin or B vitamins as this will affect the colour in the hours after taking these supplements. 

What are symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration?

Severe dehydration can be dangerous so always seek immediate medical attention if you think you or a friend might be suffering from severe dehydration. Becoming more aware of your body and how you are feeling is a wonderful way to monitor your health.

Signs to look out for if you are moderately dehydrated: are dark, scanty urine a dry, sticky mouth, chapped lips, thirst (but not always!) a headache, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, kkin that is dry or lacks vitality, constipation, dizziness or light-headedness, weight gain, ulcers. These are the main symptoms to look out for but there are many others as well.

We hope you enjoy drinking an assortment of organic herbal teas as part of a healthy lifestyle and we recommend always consulting a naturopath or doctor before introducing any new diet and lifestyle regimes into your daily routine.

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