Our Values

We understand that high standards of living come with a price tag. We are aware that our planet is experiencing a climate that has been categorised by scientists as being in crisis; a crisis caused by us.

At www.organics.com, we are determined to ensure that we highlight not only the plight of the planet but also the human condition so that more of earth’s inhabitants can enjoy the benefits of a dignified standard of living, and that we can do so within the limits imposed by nature.

Our values are based on a chain of conscious decisions that lead to a greater awareness of how we can interact with our planet to ensure well-being.

These include:

  • Consciously considering the manufacturing process:
    • The content, taste and provenance of products and ingredients
    • The appearance and presentation,
    • Whether artificial chemicals are included or not,
    • The clarity of labelling with regards to product provenance,
    • Type of packaging and waste disposal,
    • The use local produce
    • The type of businesses, including small and local businesses
  • These features have consequences that can affect:
    • The sustainable use of agriculture,
    • Ethical concerns, such as indigenous rights and child labour,
    • The purity of products,
    • Whether healthy eating is promoted,
    • Consumer protection,
    • Animal welfare during production,
    • Forestry management,
    • Health risks in production and consumption,
    • Value for money

Our aim is to promote the sustainable use of resources as well as to foster a change in attitude of consumers towards consumerism. A large part of this is encouraging concern as to the provenance of materials that go into making the products habitually used and how goods are transported from the point of manufacture to the point of use.

Only then can we truly realise our values:

  • Feeling that we are making a difference
  • Enjoying our life to the full
  • Achieving a sense of wellbeing and inner harmony
  • Being environmentally conscious in everything we do from what we eat to how we travel

And, perhaps most importantly, through all of this, achieving happiness!

Live your best susty life and join the movement!